Glass Beach, Port Townsend

Glass Beach, Port Townsend is one of the best beaches in the country to find quality, “jewelry grade” beach glass. Historically the high bluffs around Port Townsend were used to dump trash including glass onto the surrounding beach and into the Strait for over a century. True sea glass is produced where adequate beach tumbling has occurred. This is a natural function of the waves, water, current and substrate wearing down the sharp edges until they smooth into a myriad of colors and shapes. The more current, tide fluctuation and higher PH of the saltwater the better and we have all of those conditions happening on our beaches here. Since this unique process does not occur everywhere it makes these local “gems” highly prized– and it is believed that sea glass from glass beach, Port Townsend is of the best quality and concentrations anywhere in the Pacific Northwest. In addition to the sea glass, beachcombing along the Strait of Juan De Fuca can also produce other treasures including intricate driftwood plus agates and an assortment of colorful rocks deposited here many years ago from glacial deposits after the last ice age. Heck– even Woolly Mammoth bones, teeth and tusks have been discovered along the beaches here !
Our cabins and headquarters are conveniently located near an exclusive access to glass beach allowing these treasures to be found within a short beachwalk or hike during the low tides of spring and summer days.